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Zebra and Raptor
The Elephant in th Room
There's No Place Like Home
Saturn Drive
Pied Piper and Organ Grinder
Pantomime Zorse and Beloved Demon
Blind Love
Leaving It Up To You
The People's Choice
Black Poodle Racer
Winged Dog
Hugh and Jean Jacques
Stun Gun Sunday
Miro Bats
Ship of Fools
Pin Tale
Cock 1973
60" x 40" acrylic on canvas
The People's Choice 1988
            40" x 50" acrylic on canvas 

The Elephant in the Room 2013
22" x  28" acrylic on canvas
​Black Poodle Racer  1983
​24" x 36" acrylic on canvas

There's No Place Like Home 2 1989
72" x 48" acrylic on canvas

​                        Winged Dog 1992
          36" X 45" acrylic on canvas

​Pantomime Zorse and Beloved Demon 2017
​48" x48" acrylic on canvas
Zebra and Raptor 1979
50" X 40" acrylic on canvas

Leaving It Up To You 1979
72" x 48" acrylic on paper

Saturn Drive 1989
50" x 40" acrylic on canvas

Pied Piper and the Organ Grinder 1990
​72" x 48" acrylic on canvas
​         Hugh and Jean Jacques 1980
                44" x 36" acrylic on paper
                       Stun Gun Sunday 2010             9" x 12"  acrylic & wc on paper
                   Miro Bats 1986
50" x 50" acrylic on canvas
​Blind Love 1979
​16" x 20" acrylic on paper 
                                Ship of Fools 2018                    36" x 48" acrylic on canvas
                                        Pin Tail 2024                    24" x 36" acrylic on canvas
Paintings 1    Paintings 2    Paintings 3     Paintings 4    Paintings 5    Paintings 6
​Going to Hell in a Handbasket 1990
​18" x 20" watercolor on paperÂ